I started my wellness journey as a prenatal massage therapist, supporting women through one of life’s biggest transitions. Every day I was amazed by the strength and adaptability of women’s bodies.
I loved massage but wanted to give my clients a more integrated approach to wellness. And since they had lots of questions about what to eat, I became a certified nutritionist.
Then came 2020. I was in menopause and many of my clients had left behind their childbearing years and were now in perimenopause. I remember my own struggles with menopause and how helpless and scared I felt. I realized there wasn’t a roadmap for this stage of life.
That’s when I knew: women deserve personalized support during menopause. Not just sympathy, but real evidence-based solutions that use a whole body approach. So, I became a certified perimenopause and menopause coach, focusing specifically on the challenges so many women face, weight changes that don’t play by the old rules.
My practice is heart centered, science based and nonjudgmental. My goal is for you to feel healthy and vibrant forever, not just for a few weeks or a few months. You are multidimensional and so my approach is multidimensional too.
When I’m not working with women like you, you’ll find me:
Browsing indie bookstores (because learning never stops)
Exploring specialty food stores (nutrition is delicious)
Practicing yoga (it keeps me grounded)
Planning my next adventure (life’s too short not to explore)
Hi - I’m Laura and this is my story…
My practice brings together:
Wellness, Nutrition, Science, and Compassion.