Need advice? Go with the experts!
Jersey City
May 3rd, 2024
Hi there!
I’m happy to announce that I’m settled in my new home. The furniture is in place and most of the artwork is hung. There are just a few little things that need to be done, like hanging the very heavy mirror and installing the lamps next to my bed. For these last few things, I need help. Time to call an expert handyman. Do you have someone you can recommend?
There are times when you need an expert. If you have carpentry or electrical work to do, you want someone who is knowledgeable. For menopause questions or concerns you also want an expert.
Everyone is talking about menopause, and everyone has an opinion! Influencers all over social media are giving advice and even Oprah had a headline article on menopause in her magazine!
The advice you get from these sources isn’t necessarily bad, but it may not be the best advice for you. It’s sort of like relying on Dr. Google. The information is very general, and it may or may not be based on fact. You need information that is scientific and specific to you.
Most influencers don’t have the science to back up their claims. They have personal anecdotal information. Something worked for them and therefore it should work for you. Maybe. Maybe not.
We are all individuals, and our symptoms are as different as the solutions. Menopause is not the same for everyone.
I can help you with menopause and nutrition. This is in my wheelhouse. I’ve spent years studying and researching. And if I don’t have an answer for you, I’ll refer you to someone who has the expertise to help you.
The first place I recommend for expert menopause information is The North American Menopause Society. They have articles and resources, and you can even find a menopause certified doctor. If you’ve had issues with your doctor gaslighting you, then switch doctors and find one that is menopause certified.
Always remember, you don’t have to do menopause alone!
Be well,
And more...
· I’ve been asked to be on a panel to discuss nutrition and menopause for Advancing Women, a business resource group across the national news company, Advance Local. It’s happening the 2nd week in May. Hopefully I’ll be able to share a link of the replay. I’ll keep you posted.
· My friend and colleague Mary Vidal offers a monthly menopause meet up group. She’s invited me to speak about nutrition for menopause at her May meeting. The date is May 28th. For more information and to register click the link. Hope to see you there!
· And because it’s Spring and time enjoy nature even if you’re in the city, I suggest you head up to the Bronx Botanical Garden for an Alice in Wonderland experience. Click the link for details.