Solstice + Silence + Your Senses

Hi there!

Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice, marking the shortest day of the year. On the 22nd the days will finally start getting longer. I usually notice a difference by mid-January. The Solstice is celebrated with lights and bonfires. I don’t think we’ll be seeing many bonfires (at least I hope not!) but there are lots of lights to enjoy. Take a stroll through your neighborhood and peek into the windows. Glance up and see someone’s Christmas tree sparkling with lights. So festive!

Our nervous system craves calm. This can be hard to come by with our busy lives and the constant barrage of news and social media to put us on edge. I encourage you to put everything on pause and soak in the magic. There is something to be said about the sound of silence.

How can you find a few minutes of calm and quiet? What do you need to do to capture a couple of minutes of “me” time and to find peace within yourself? I suggest you start by leaning into your senses.

Start with touch. Take it from me, as a former massage therapist I know all about the healing power of touch! You may be thinking about a hug, which is great but… How about wrapping yourself in a cozy cashmere shawl or putting on the warmest, softest socks?

Move on to scent. Smells work with the limbic system of your brain and has the power to transport. Think about memories that you’d like to recall. What was the scent that surrounded that memory? Find the perfect candle, one that evokes your special memories or feelings.

And of course there’s taste. What tantalizes your taste buds and hints at something magical that you’d almost forgotten? Can you recreate it with a cup of tea or a special spice?

Put it all together and find a quiet place for a few moments and enjoy! This could be at home or in a quiet corner of a coffee shop. Make it yours and make it special.

Wishing you all the magic of the season. Thanks for hanging out with me. Happy holidays!

Be well,


Spread the magic and the love. We need it more now than ever!


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